Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Reduce Your Simple Carbohydrate Intake

Simple carbohydrates, found in breakfast cereals, white bread, and crackers, quickly turn into sugar in your body. This can destabilize your blood sugar and cause inflammation, Anastasia says. “Consuming too many simple carbohydrates can contribute to fat formation due to fluctuations in blood sugar,” she explains.

Avoid Soda and Juice

Both soda and juice can be hidden sources of calories that don’t fill you up, Anastasia notes. “Eliminating these excess calories, regardless of their source, is beneficial for weight loss,” she says. While soda is high in liquid sugar, juice is often mistaken for being healthy.

Anastasia adds that “juice doesn’t have the fiber of whole fruit, which leads to rapid digestion and the potential for a drop in blood sugar.” Cutting these drinks out of your diet can help control your calorie intake and stabilize your blood sugar.

Incorporate high-intensity exercise

Participating in high-intensity exercise, such as HIIT, is an effective way to burn calories quickly, targeting fat and belly fat in the process, Anastasia explains. “These short bursts of high-intensity activity, such as sprinting uphill and walking downhill or cycling on a stationary bike, will help build muscle and increase your heart rate.”

Choose healthy alternatives

Anastasia emphasizes that feeling deprived is not a sustainable approach to weight loss. Instead, identify the foods that derail your efforts and find healthier alternatives.