Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

When managing a skincare routine with multiple products, it can be difficult to know the right order to apply them. Luckily, there’s a simple rule for layering skincare products to maximize their effectiveness.


Cleanser (Morning and Night)

Start your day and end your night by thoroughly cleansing your face. In the morning, use a gentle cleanser to remove any oil and impurities that have built up overnight. A non-foaming or oil-based cleanser is a great way to gently prep your skin for the day ahead.

Toner (Optional, Morning and/or Evening)

While not essential, toners can help address specific skin concerns like dullness or dryness. The light, watery texture of toners makes them ideal for application immediately after cleansing, allowing subsequent products to penetrate better.

Treatments or Medications (Morning and/or Evening)

If you use treatments or prescription medications for specific skin conditions like acne or rosacea, you should apply them early in your skincare routine.

Retinol (Night Only)

Retinol is best used at night because sunlight can reduce its effectiveness and increase your skin’s sensitivity to UV rays. Apply retinol early in your evening skincare routine to ensure your skin absorbs all the benefits. Retinol can benefit all skin types; Consult your dermatologist to find the right one for your needs.

By following these steps, you can optimize your skincare routine, ensuring that each product is working effectively to maintain healthy, radiant skin.